The Bradfields of Tullyglass

by John Bradfield (1914-2002)
26 The Rise, Waterfall Road, Cork City, Ireland

The Bradfields Arrive in Bandon

Historical Dates

Great Great Grandfather, Richard Bradfield

Stories of Past Generations of the Bradfields of Tullyglass

Great Grandfather, Thomas Bradfield (circa 1780-1860)

More Stories of Past Generations of the Bradfields of Tullyglass

Grandfather Richard Bradfield (1814-1898)

Hannah Bradfield (1816-1895) and Jerome (Jeremiah) Desmond

Margaret Bradfield and Thomas White

Michael Bradfield (1868-1959) and Hannah O'Brien

Eily Bradfield (1868-1959) and William McElroy

Josie Bradfield and Patrick Hayes

John Bradfield and Doris Dennison

Anne (Dolly) Bradfield and Wayne Stellish

Sheila Bradfield and Jim Coakley/Tom Rattray

Michael J. Bradfield and Ruth Dinneen

Richard Bradfield and Julia O'Leary

Annie Bradfield and Patrick Hickey

Bradfield Families in SW England in 1980

Bradfield Vital Records